Your time, expertise and skills will save us some expenses, time and help us tremendously in reaching out to lives.
Your donation of finance and goods such as office furniture & supplies, etc. are welcome and will be appreciated.
Let the world know about the good work we do. Help host and/or organize a fundraising event in your community.
Student Christian Movement (SCM) of Nigeria, North America (SCMNNA) is a not-for-profit 501 c(3) organization with interim headquarter in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The organization was established in March 12, 2016 during its first inaugural Northeastern chapter conference, “2016 CONNECT”, in Hamden, Connecticut, U.S.A. SCMNNA is made up of six (6) regional groups referred to as “Chapters” with their locations in parenthesis:
SCM North America family, the Ekpes, following the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ and actualizing Matthew 25:34-36, visited Siter Juanita Thompson and family.
The Student Christian Movement of Nigeria, North America is organizing a virtual (a pre-2022 biennial) conference from July 23rd - 25th 2021.